It means enough for me to want to clear your head off your shoulders and nail it to my wall as a reminder of the day I taught you a lesson.
I am burnt up! All the different ways that we've become accustomed to disrespecting each other has got me lit on fire! It goes from big to small. From the dicks who continue to turn left on a red to - actually no, that's a big one. We have to collectively stop doing that. I'm fixin' to blow.
You know the initial reason I got to writing this out was related to work. If this were pen to paper the table would be indented I swear. Let me just get this out of the way. This is on behalf of all the commissioned, appointment based workers out there: We only make money when you show up. So when you don't call, don't show up...this isn't a goddamn nightclub. There isn't a line up outside the door waiting for you to maybe, maybe not show up. I can't pay rent on your com ci, com ca attitude. It's that simple. Respect.
And I don't know if you heard but we're in a pandemic state of life. It's possible you missed it, it's only been all over the news. I'm just saying maybe don't cough directly into your hand when I'm giving you a manicure. Oddly, now I'm going to feel rude when I have stop to pull out the hand sanitizer.
It's just starting to be too much. I'm calling Uncle.
You know Son, I may not look much like a lady, and you look more like a pussy than a man but Ladies First for fucks sake. Chances that I want to be bowled over exiting a store? Slim. Yes, everything only costs a dollar, I get your excitement but chill - it ain't closing down tonight. I may be 5'2 maybe you felt like you tripped on a rock but Christ Almighty, pay attention. Afford me a little, that's right, respect.
On the flip side those of you who breeze by me when I'm politely holding the door open, 3, 4, 5 of ya, do you see white gloves on my hands? Do I look like a goddamn door man because if I do a tip would be appreciated. But since I'm not a simple thank you will suffice. Or perhaps the Helen Keller Society of Mutes is on a field trip I just happened to be holding the door. Doubtful. I will yell at you, trust me, you deserve it.
And let's not get into it here, but for those of you who get real dirty with your disrespect. We love you, we support you, we bake you cookies, hell we may even pay your bills. Cheating, lying, ladder climbin' thief. Not only do you look a fool but now you're making a mockery of your mother. You need to put yourself in a corner and think about it. Seriously.
Compassion? WWJD? For they do not know what they do? Man, forget Jesus. What Would First Testament Jehovah Do? He would drown your sorry ass in a sea of misery is what he would do. You best be a damn good ship builder if you think you're gonna dare tread on him. An eye for an eye is no way to live but we're starting to force each others hand's and it's getting ugly.
Am I innocent? Of course not. Sainthood is never going to be on my life's agenda. Do on to other's. Quit being an example of how not to be. Basically, I know you have places to go, but allow me to get through my green light, too.
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